How to Become a Forbes Writer in 5 Simple Steps

How to Become a Forbes Writer in 5 Simple Steps

Looking to join the ranks of Forbes writers and boost your personal brand? If you want to know how to become a writer for forbes, follow these quick steps:

  1. Understand the types of writers at Forbes.
  2. Build a strong writing portfolio.
  3. Craft a compelling pitch.
  4. Submit your pitch to the right editor.
  5. Write and publish high-quality articles.

Forbes introduced its contributing writer platform in 2010, allowing thought leaders to publish articles and grow their personal brands. This innovative strategy benefited both the publication and the writers by increasing content and providing credibility markers. However, it also faced controversies, from paid placements to quality concerns. Despite the ups and downs, writing for Forbes remains a powerful way to improve your professional reputation.

I’m Ahmed Elmahdy, founder and CEO of Rocket Launch Media. With experience in digital marketing and content creation, I’ve helped numerous clients achieve significant growth and visibility online. My expertise includes understanding how to become a writer for forbes, helping many steer this competitive process successfully.

Five simple steps to become a Forbes writer - how to become a writer for forbes infographic pillar-5-steps

Step 1: Understand the Types of Writers at Forbes

Before you dive into how to become a writer for Forbes, understand the different types of writers they have. Forbes employs a mix of editors, reporters, and contributors. Each plays a unique role in the publication.


Editors at Forbes are responsible for overseeing content, ensuring it meets the publication’s high standards. They work closely with writers to refine pitches and articles. Knowing what editors look for can increase your chances of getting published.


Reporters at Forbes are full-time staff who cover specific beats like business, technology, or finance. They often write breaking news and in-depth analyses. While becoming a full-time reporter at Forbes is challenging, starting as a contributor can be a stepping stone.


Contributors are freelance writers who regularly submit articles. This is the most common entry point for new writers. Contributors can write guest posts, profiles, or even have their own column.

Guest Posts

Guest posts are one-off articles written by contributors or external experts. These pieces often provide unique insights or expert opinions on a specific topic. If you’re new to Forbes, starting with a guest post can be a great way to get your foot in the door.


A profile is an article written by a reporter or contributor that features someone else’s story. These pieces often highlight successful entrepreneurs or leaders. If you have a compelling story, you might be the subject of a profile rather than the writer.

Paid assignments involve pitching a story idea directly to an editor and getting paid to write it. These assignments are typically more in-depth and require thorough research. While not as common as guest posts, they offer a way to earn money while building your portfolio.

Contributor Columns

If you consistently produce high-quality content, you might be offered a contributor column. This allows you to publish articles regularly on a specific topic. Having a column can significantly boost your credibility and visibility.

Understanding these roles will help you tailor your approach and increase your chances of getting published. Next, we’ll discuss how to build a strong writing portfolio to catch the attention of Forbes editors.

Understanding the Types of Writers at Forbes - how to become a writer for forbes

Step 2: Build Your Writing Portfolio

Before you can pitch to Forbes, you need a solid writing portfolio. This shows editors you’re serious and capable of producing high-quality work consistently. Here’s how to build one:

Start with Blog Posts

Blog posts are the easiest way to start. Create your own blog or contribute to existing ones. Write on topics you’re passionate about and that align with Forbes’ interests, like business, technology, or finance. Aim for at least 100 blog posts to show your dedication and ability to produce content regularly.

Get Published Elsewhere

Having your work published on other platforms adds credibility. Submit articles to medium-sized publications or industry-specific sites. Platforms like Medium and LinkedIn Pulse are excellent starting points. These sites have large audiences and can help you get noticed by Forbes editors.

Create Writing Samples

Forbes editors will want to see writing samples. These should be your best work—well-researched, engaging, and free of errors. Create three articles you think are worthy of being on Forbes. Make them personal and valuable to the reader. Use tools like Grammarly to check your spelling and grammar.

Use LinkedIn

Your LinkedIn profile is a powerful tool. Connect with other writers and editors, and share your articles there. Editors often put out calls for pitches with the hashtag #journorequest. Follow this hashtag and respond to relevant calls. Networking on LinkedIn can also help you find editors’ contact information if it’s not publicly available.

Showcase Your Expertise on Medium and LinkedIn Pulse

Publishing on Medium and LinkedIn Pulse can help you reach a broader audience. These platforms are respected and widely read. Write articles that showcase your expertise and provide value to readers. The more you write, the more you’ll improve, and the more likely you’ll catch the eye of a Forbes editor.

Building a strong portfolio takes time and effort, but it’s crucial for catching the attention of Forbes editors. Next, we’ll discuss how to craft a compelling pitch that will make editors take notice.

Step 3: Craft a Compelling Pitch

Now that you have a solid writing portfolio, it’s time to learn how to become a writer for Forbes by crafting a compelling pitch. This step is crucial because it’s your first impression with an editor. Here’s how to do it right:


Your pitch must be relevant to what Forbes publishes. Read Forbes regularly to understand their style and the topics they cover. Tailor your pitch to fit their audience. For example, if you’re targeting their business section, ensure your idea aligns with current business trends and insights.


A great pitch tells a story. Editors are looking for fresh, engaging narratives. Share compelling anecdotes, unique insights, or surprising data. Make sure your story provides value to Forbes readers. It’s not about you; it’s about what you can offer them.


Convey a sense of urgency in your pitch. Why should your story be published now? Is it tied to a current event or trend? Highlighting timeliness can make your pitch more appealing to editors who are always looking for timely content.

Editor Research

Finding the right editor is key. Use LinkedIn to identify Forbes editors. Look for contributing editors, assistant editors, or senior editors in your target section. Avoid pitching to the editor-in-chief as they are often too busy.

Email Scraper Tools

If you can’t find an editor’s email, use an email scraper tool like VoilaNorbert. This tool helps locate email addresses based on the editor’s name and the Forbes domain. Your first 50 searches are free, making it a cost-effective solution.

Crafting the Email

When emailing an editor, keep your pitch concise. Start with a compelling subject line that grabs attention. Format your pitch like this:

HED: (Title)

dek: (Subtitle)

Follow with three to five short paragraphs explaining your story idea, proposed word count, and why it matters to Forbes readers. End with a brief bio and links to your best writing samples.

Follow Up

If you don’t get a response, don’t be discouraged. Follow up after a week. Persistence pays off. If one editor doesn’t respond, try another in the same department.

Crafting a compelling pitch takes practice, but it’s essential for getting noticed by Forbes editors. Next, we’ll discuss how to submit your pitch to the right editor for the best chance of success.

Step 4: Submit Your Pitch to the Right Editor

Now that you have a compelling pitch, the next step is to submit it to the right editor. This step is crucial for how to become a writer for Forbes. Here’s how to do it effectively:

Target the Right Editor

Finding the right editor is key. You need to pitch to someone who handles the section you’re interested in. For example, if your story is about health, look for editors in the health vertical.

How to Find Editors:

  • LinkedIn: Search for editors by job title and department. Look for titles like contributing editor, assistant editor, or senior editor.
  • Social Media: Editors often list their contact information in their bios on platforms like Twitter/X.
  • Forbes Website: Check bylines to see who is editing articles in your target section.

Crafting the Email Pitch

When emailing an editor, keep your pitch short and to the point. Editors receive tons of emails daily, so make yours stand out.

Email Format:

  • Subject Line: Make it intriguing and relevant.
  • HED: (Title)
  • dek: (Subtitle)
  • Body: Three to five short paragraphs explaining:
    • Your story idea
    • Proposed word count
    • Why it matters to Forbes readers
    • Brief bio and links to your best writing samples


Subject: Revolutionary Health Tech: How AI is Changing Patient Care

HED: AI in Healthcare: Revolutionizing Patient Outcomes

dek: A deep dive into how artificial intelligence is changing the landscape of healthcare.

Dear [Editor’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to pitch a story on how artificial intelligence is changing patient care in healthcare. This timely piece will explore recent advancements, featuring interviews with industry leaders and case studies.

The article will be approximately 1,200 words and aims to inform Forbes readers about the significant impact of AI on healthcare.

Thank you for considering my pitch. I have attached links to my previous work for your reference.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your LinkedIn Profile]

Use Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for engaging with editors. Follow them on LinkedIn and Twitter/X. Engage with their posts by liking, sharing, and commenting. This helps you get on their radar.

Tip: Use the hashtag #journorequest to find editors looking for pitches.

Follow Up

Persistence is key. If you don’t get a response within a week, follow up politely. If there’s still no response, try another editor in the same department.

Example Follow-Up:

Subject: Follow-Up: Revolutionary Health Tech: How AI is Changing Patient Care

Dear [Editor’s Name],

I wanted to follow up on my previous email regarding my pitch on AI in healthcare. I believe this story would provide valuable insights for Forbes readers. 

I look forward to your feedback.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Stay Organized

Keep track of the editors you’ve pitched to and their responses. This will help you manage your follow-ups and avoid pitching the same idea to multiple editors.

By targeting the right editor and crafting a concise, compelling email pitch, you increase your chances of getting published on Forbes. Next, we’ll discuss how to write and publish high-quality articles once your pitch is accepted.

Step 5: Write and Publish High-Quality Articles

Once your pitch is accepted, the real work begins: writing and publishing a high-quality article. This step is crucial in mastering how to become a writer for Forbes. Here’s how to do it effectively:


Use Reliable Sources: Your article should be well-researched and backed by credible sources. Use published research, industry statistics, or original interviews with experts to support your claims.

Example: If you’re writing about AI in healthcare, cite studies from reputable journals, statistics from industry reports, and quotes from healthcare professionals.


Keep it Short and Sweet: In journalism, less is often more. Aim to communicate your points in as few words as possible. This makes your article easier to read and more engaging.

Tip: Aim for around 800 words. This is a typical length for Forbes articles and ensures you stay concise.

Service Journalism

Serve Your Readers: Your article should provide valuable information or insights that help your readers. Avoid making it a commercial for yourself or your business.

Example: Instead of just talking about AI in healthcare, offer actionable tips like “3 Ways AI is Improving Patient Care” or “How Hospitals Can Implement AI Solutions.”

Compelling Articles

Engage Your Audience: The first and last lines of your article are the most important. The first line should grab attention, and the last line should leave a lasting impression.

Use Surprise: Try to include an element of surprise to keep readers engaged. This could be a surprising fact, a unique perspective, or an unexpected conclusion.

Example: Start with a compelling quote or surprising statistic, like “Did you know AI can predict patient outcomes with 90% accuracy?”


Revise, Revise, Revise: Your first draft is just that—a draft. Revise your article to ensure clarity, accuracy, and engagement. Move paragraphs around, cut unnecessary words, and refine your arguments.

Tip: Read your article out loud to catch awkward phrasing and ensure it flows smoothly.

Example: After finishing your draft, take a break and revisit it with fresh eyes. This helps you spot errors and improve the overall quality.

By following these steps, you’ll write articles that not only get published but also resonate with Forbes’ readers. Next, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about becoming a Forbes writer.

Frequently Asked Questions about How to Become a Writer for Forbes

How much do Forbes writers make?

Forbes writers can make a decent living. According to various sources, the base salary for a Forbes writer ranges from $61K to $112K per year. This can vary based on experience, expertise, and the number of articles produced.

In addition to the base salary, writers may receive additional pay for high-performing articles or special assignments. Freelance contributing writers often get paid per article, which can be quite lucrative if their pieces attract a lot of readership.

How to become a Forbes contributing writer?

Becoming a Forbes contributing writer requires dedication and consistent output. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Write a Lot: Forbes expects its contributors to produce a significant amount of content. Aim to write regularly and maintain a steady stream of articles.

  2. Produce Weekly: A good benchmark is to publish one article per week. This means you’ll need to write around 52 articles per year to stay active and relevant on the platform.

  3. Quality Over Quantity: While volume is important, the quality of your articles is crucial. Make sure each piece is well-researched, insightful, and adds value to the readers.

Can anyone write an article on Forbes?

Yes, anyone can write an article on Forbes, but there are some criteria to meet:

  • No Professional Writing Credentials Needed: You don’t need to be a professional writer to contribute to Forbes. Many contributors come from diverse backgrounds and bring unique perspectives.

  • Clear Perspective: What you do need is a clear and compelling perspective. Your articles should reflect your expertise and provide valuable insights.

  • Expertise: While you don’t need formal writing credentials, you do need to have expertise in your field. Forbes looks for contributors who can offer informed opinions and well-supported arguments.

By understanding these aspects, you can better prepare yourself for a successful writing career at Forbes.


Becoming a Forbes writer can significantly improve your personal brand and credibility. However, it’s a journey that requires dedication, strategic planning, and consistent effort. At Rocket Launch Media, we understand the importance of building a strong online presence and can help you achieve your goals through our custom digital marketing services.

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Whether you’re looking to become a Forbes writer or simply want to improve your online presence, Rocket Launch Media has the expertise to help you succeed.

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